Antonio Alford-El
3 min readMar 20, 2021


Git ‘N with the command line

Before I get started let me say that prior to this course on Git I had never used it and only seen that screen in passing over the years, maybe in the early 90’s when my family first got a computer and on the movie the Matrix. lol

Now that I have used Git, I will say it causes you to be strategic about the way you stores files and name them on your computer. After accessing the same files on a routine basis you sort of map it out in your mind like a walk to your favorite corner store to get to your library’s to access the folders & files without having to open each directory to find where everything is. For me this is next level as the average person in my life can’t change a file name in the GUI let alone know what to with a CMD line lol which is absolutely grade school level in the coding world; which humbles me to the journey ahead while at the same time giving energy to push forward with these small accomplishments.

Roots Technology’s curriculum for Git is jam packed with information, and for someone with no prior experience with Git or the terminology I found it difficult out the gate. Some of the commands in the tutorials are geared towards mac users(I’m using windows10) so following along in the first 2 subjects set me back a little.

The introduction of Github and the commands git add, git commit git push from a local repository seemed easy to understand but when things didn’t worked I was at a lost in most cases looking the wrong directions for solutions asking myself was it my spelling, or maybe the spacing or maybe the terms are different because I’m using windows. I had to continue to go back re-read and re-do the modules many times and still did not comprehend what I was reading. So I decided to take it one step at a time as I would use Git by first learning how to create a file, rename it and delete it from the CMD. I watched additional YouTube tutorials & tutorials from the Git website to link to the online repository and follow along committing and pushing to the remote repository. Whew that was tough, I probably created a half dozen repositories and deletes to really grasp and understand and found that referring back to the instructions and repeating the process over and over will be something I need to do regular going forward as learn best from repetition before the concepts stick. All in All through my struggles making every mistake and frustrations and the frustrations I caused my instructor(T.J.) by not going back and R.T.F.I. (Reading the fucking instructions) to see that last project completed and what it looked like left me ecstatic.

Although so much of the Git and the commands needed to work in groups from the remote repository I still can’t use I know with repeated use in the future I will have it down and that feeling of learning something new will push me through any future struggles I surely will come across.

